Glad you took the time to follow the email link to our blog. We are learning how to use this software so we expect to have some ‘goofs’ in our posts and other pages. If nothing else, we hope our goofs will keep you as entertained as we hope our good posts will. 🙂

Feel free to comment,give us advice and suggestions on how to be better at what we love to do.


Oh, by the way, if you click on the header image, it changes…try it

Molly and Bill

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4 thoughts on “WELCOME

  1. I like the blog. Esp the black background. IMHO black is the new black for photos. Molly’s birds are great–the light is fantastic. I think you better start saving your money, so you can each have a 500. From what I can tell, blogs are a lot of work, so you might want to consider guest contributions so you can have lots of activity without killing yourself. Always good to see more of ya’ll’s work.

    • Hi Luann
      Appreciate the feedback. We would be honored to have you be a guest author and share some of your images.
      We have no idea if this will become a place where other photographers visit on a regular basis but anytime you want to post—- let us know


  2. Great photo’s. I like the black background. On the first page, after I enlarged the photograph, I figured out that when I clicked on the photo, the next photo came up. Possibly having a arrow at the side would help. On the second page, when I clicked on the photo, it came up with a white page. I know nothing about the software you’re using.

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